Workshop Data Foire Winter School 2024
Cet hiver (2024) on a été invité à coorganiser avec G un workshop sur le theme des datafoires, avec les étudiant•es de l'erg.
L'ambition de ce workshop etait de presenter le principe de la datafoire aux participant·es, de le penser collectivement, pour ensuite essayer de définir un contexte dans lequel une datafoire, différente de celle organisée au bois, pourrait exister (etre construite, maintenue, déployée ponctuellement)
Le workshop à duré 2 journées et s'est terminé par une datafoire assez particulière.
- INFOKIOSQUE - RIDEAU DE PERLES - INFOKOIK (la cambre) - pdf archive of activist leaflet - Redesign old text (from us or - hacked printers.
- erg doc -> Baiu (st luc)
- site internet pour faire des soundsystem sur batteries de trotinettes électriques à preter
- Maybe this data foire is not going to be about sharing stuff that is going to be private but is going to be shared
- do we wante a livre d'or ? livre d'or datafoire
- how can we record something live and put it in the datafoire
- phone recordings on sound
- gallerie would be gr8 but also curious about somewhere outside of the school
- format specific datafoire (only sound ? only text ? ....mmmmmmmm....)
- i love playlist....
- suitcase for traveling with the datafoire
- starting with closer community to let it expend and let people know about it
- it d be nice to disclosure that its a format of collaboration (you can bring works you didnt finish and people take it, work on it and bring it back)
- continuing the project during a workshop, being part of it long term
- how the data is put in order (people share data in an already done shape or structure or do people create their own structure of the datafoire - file extension).
- can an engagment be ritualised when sharing stuff in the data foir, get consciousness about our own responsability
- encourage sharing unfinished project
- it makes more sense to do it in erg with the time we have
- i want it to be convivial, make drinks, pluging onto another event, checking in with other winterschool workshop (food workshop, tech workshop) that made things during the week that can be shared in the datafoire
- another datafoire all togther with infokoik, but later after this project
- i really like the idea that there is a rendezvous in a specific place at a specific moment. Tomorow we do a premiere datafoire but we also advertise for another datafoire rendez vous in the sameplace at the same date.
- its interesting that all the data stays, and the project gets bigger and bigger
- i would love to be able to invest time and energy in this project !
- its nice if it happens at specific intervals in same space but it could also move and existe some time other time, for exemple on a Ergatable & Datafoire. Reccurent but sometimes surprisingly somewhere else !
- I like that there is no preorganisation of folder. we can still order by upload by default (and we see if someone put 8gb at the same time)
- If we use Erg matos, we can easily
- if we have big screen u cannot do something bad discreatily
Technical Aspect
- Doest it move
Yes - With a car ? By hands
No by hand, or bike - Do we have cart wheel, chariot
Yes - Is it moveable because it stays a concept, or a hard drive ?
It is a hard drive, screens, keyboard, microphone, zoom, computer software for audio recordings, mouse, multiprise, rallonges,
scanner, appareil photo,
What do we want
Live projection of what is happening on the screen (we earn time cus people know what they want to collect)
No screen, but fabric live projecton
Pimp my datafoire
How we want the space to look (fabric is a good idea)
Two space, A space where you upload and download and a space where you read the data all together
Through parameters
Does it move ?
Do we order the data
Where is it going to be ?
What public, communities,
- How to make people trust
How to build trust
- What do we do with the data (where is your data going to end, do we let the data flow)
- How to trust a space that do not protect what you give ?
How to protect against threat
Do we have to moderate
Since its a physical space it brakes the anonimity
Generates selft awareness
What is it made for what are the posibility of the datafoire, what is the ethos ?
Statement (not guidelin not rule) : We dont know where the data is going to end
- Letting go the data
Do we have to propose Guidelines
What kind of data
- Non internet formatted media
- Collaborative data
How social ?
How do we talk about it, communicate, advertise, explain
How frequent
Who take care of it, does it needs money ? Time
What do we do with the data
- Who takes car of it
What do we do tomorrow
- Set up quickly the computer as adverdisment
- Make the hard drive special "magical chest of data" or baby of data
- Soft Tech
- Clef usb qui récapitule un programme d'installation README.txt
- Set up quickly the computer as adverdisment
- Add page to the brochure
- thinking about the minimum cosy moment (boiler, tea)
What do we do tomorrow episode 2
- Apprendre à mettre deux rbpi en réseau
- Pimper le hardware, clavier, souris, hard drive, ecran, toile (rendre didactique + cuteswag)
- Pimper le software, UI, fond d'écran, curseur (rendre didactique + cuteswag)
- Signalétique
- Ajouter une page à la brochure
- faire une page de wiki archive de ces jours là
Préparer la doc pour la base de pret (setup schéma kit matos)
Aller acheter un clavier et une souris et une clef usb
Imaginer des trucs collaboratifs
Son enregistrement
12-12:30 -> mise en réseau des rbpi
13:30 -> shopping clavier souris usb peluche objet fun -> Ichem, Cloe, Garance, 37€
14:00 -> installation de la datafoire / tech, trouver espace ->
14:30 -> installation de la datafoire/ sceno mise en commun, pimpage / signalétique
15:00 -> doc, brochure, wiki, schéma, poster, archive
16:00 -> point collectif (est ce qu'on ajoute le son ?)
16:15 -> impression
restant boisson thunes
18:00 début de datafoire !!!!! -> fin 21:00 ->
- poster signalétique dehors + dedans
- petite signalétique sur poste de travail
- terminer la brochure et en imprimer
- trouver eclairage
- faire le fond décran
- archiver les deux jours dans le wiki
- chercher des boissons
- acheter une clef usb
Instalation Setup
- Installation RBPi